尼泊爾的節慶Tihar,也稱為Dipawali,Bhai Tika,Laxmi Puja,或是燈節festival of lights。萬燈節連續慶祝五天(11/9~11/13),敬拜不同的動物例如烏鴉,狗,母牛,也敬拜印度幸運/財富女神Laxmi。兄弟姊妹們採購禮物(糖果,堅果,水果,麵包等),放風箏,烹煮美食,裝飾家裡和街道,跟朋友玩紙牌,休息放鬆。
節慶結束時為彼此在前額點蒂卡,所以第五天又稱為蒂卡日,或是兄弟蒂卡日Bhai Tika Day。簡言之,萬燈節就是姊妹為自己的兄弟祝福長壽的節日。
About Tihar: The Nepali festival Tihar is also known by many names such as Dipawali or Bhai Tika or Laxmi Puja or as a festival of lights.
It is a five-days festival, which comes soon after the Dashain Festival, and Tihar is all about worshiping of different animals such as crow, dog, cow, and worshiping of the Hindu Goddess of Fortune or Wealth (Goddess Laxmi), and cooking great meals at home, brothers and sisters shopping for gifts, flying kites, decorating homes and streets, playing cards with friends, resting and relaxing, and finally ending the festival with an exchange of a special temporary mark on forehead (tika in Nepali). The last day of the festival is known as Tika day or popularly known as Bhai Tika day (Bhai in Nepali means Brother). To sum up Tihar festival, Tihar is the festival when sisters wish a long life to their brothers (Bhai)!

Tihar and Laxmi Puja (3rd Tihar Day) – One of the most important day of the festival is Laxmi Puja on which day the Goddess of wealth (Laxmi) is worshiped in every household in the entire Nepali Kingdom by means of Puja, decoration, candle lights, and oil lamps. In this 3rd day of the Tihar Festival, the entire nation becomes an illumination of lights. Pictures and icons of Laxmi Devi (Goddess) are placed and worshiped in a Puja room (or a place in a living room or a dedicated room for worshiping Gods) Puja is performed using flowers, incense, oil lamps, color-powders, bell and money (both notes and coins). Laxmi puja is performed at dusk using red mud, and puja is often done by a female in the family. She uses her hand covered with red mud to make a symbolic foot-print on the floor entering the home and makes a trail leading to the Puja room.
敬拜財富女神的夜晚不只是燈光壯麗,特殊的歌謠(Bhailo or Bhailini)也將這一夜唱響。成群女孩沿戶唱著Bhailo為家戶祈福,換得錢或是各家自製的餐點款待。
“Tihar and Songs : Bhailini Songs (3rd Day) : The eve of Laxmi Puja Day is made spectacular not only by lights but also by echoes of a special song known as Bhailo or Bhailini that’s played only on this day in the entire year!
Tihar and Tika (5th and Final Tihar Day / Bhai Tika Day) : On the final day also known as Bhai Tika Day, sisters give tika (a colored powder placed on one’s forehead), and mala (a necklace of flowers or also known as flower leis, similar to that’s used elsewhere like in Hawaii!) to brothers along with wishes for long life and prosperity. Brothers sit on a floor while sisters perform their puja. Tika starts with placing a banana leave already cut into a line shape placed on brothers forehead held by one of the sisters hand, then applying tika base (made from rice paste) in the open space. Then sister dabs seven colors on top of the base using her fingers. Some may give tika with the help of a small stick or a brush without the using banana leaves. In this case, small stick is dipped into the tika base, then brushed vertically on the forehead, and then using a different stick, the seven colors are applied on top of the base. After tika, flower garland is put around brother’s neck.
Then brothers give tika to sisters in the same fashion. Sisters also receive flower garland around their neck. Brothers give gifts such as clothes or money to sisters while sisters give a special gift known as Sagun (which is made of dried fruits and nuts, and candies), and a fantastic Tihar feast takes place.
姊妹為家裡兄弟準備特殊的尼泊爾餐,包含有名的尼泊爾麵包,稱為Nepali Roti或Nepali Sel Roti。米磨成細粉加上糖和水,油炸的時候用手或是漏斗將麵糊放入熱油,炸成圓圈狀。這種油炸食物以酥脆口感出名,在尼泊爾的任何節日都是宴客首選。
Tihar and Cooking – Sisters prepare unique Nepali meal at home for brothers. This includes making of the famous Nepali bread known as Nepali Roti or Sel or Sel Roti (as two words together). It’s made by deep frying a mixture of fine rice flour, sugar, and water. The mixture is placed in the frying oil in circle by hand or by the help of a funnel. Nepali Sel Roti is popular for its crispy and crunchy taste, and is the number one treat in any festivals in Nepal.