地方政府類型 |
職位 |
都會城市 | 市長*1、副市長*1、行政區主席*1、成員*4 |
次級都會城市 | 市長*1、副市長*1、行政區主席*1、成員*4 |
城市 | 市長*1、副市長*1、行政區主席*1、成員*4 |
鄉村城市 | 主席*1、副主席*1、行政區主席*1、成員*4 |
(圖示: 黃色區塊為第一階段選舉,灰色區塊為第二階段選舉)
(照片來源: http://www.dw.com/en/nepal-holds-first-local-election-in-20-years/a-38832590)
May 2017
Beside the regular schedule of SCH there was no special activity in the month of May.
As usual all the children go to school regularly. Every one SCH are healthy and studying very well. There was no school for 5 days from 10th May to 15th May, 2017 because of local election.
The 2017 Nepalese local elections are scheduled to be held in Nepal in two phases. The first phase of Local election was held on 14th May 2017 and the next phase will be held on 23 June 2017. The local election has been held after 20 years. The last local election was held in 2006 under the King but it was boycotted by the major political parties. With the promulgation of the new constitution in 2015, a three-tier governance system was introduced, with Central, provincial and local levels of governance. The new local levels government were formed by changing the existing cities and village development council and came into existence on 10 March 2017. Local levels will have a Chairman/Mayor and a Deputy chairman/mayor. Local levels are further subdivided into wards which will have a ward chairman and 4 members. Out of the 4 members 2 must be female. All terms are for a total of 5 years according to the new constitution 2015.
Local Level Type |
Position |
Metropolitan City | One Mayor, One Deputy Mayor, One Ward Chairman, 4 Ward members |
Sub Metropolitan City | One Mayor, One Deputy Mayor, One Ward Chairman, 4 Ward members |
Municipality | One Mayor, One Deputy Mayor, One Ward Chairman, 4 Ward members |
Rural Municipality | One Chairman, One Deputy Chairman, One Ward Chairman, 4 Ward members |
There were no people’s representative in local levels for 20 years and the local people consider that because of this gap there wasn’t any development in local area of Nepal.
Now most of the local people are positive about the development of Nepal. The local election was very special for the Nepalese people. The local leader said this is the practice of new constitution formed by Nepalese people. The local elections attracted every Nepalese due to the power decentralization. The local people are very happy because they can get more budget and most of the government documentation from the local office.